
SKU: AS-003 Category:

EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. It is a unique nine-digit tax identification number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to businesses, including sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations, and other entities operating in the United States. The EIN is used for tax filing purposes, similar to how a Social Security Number (SSN) is used for individuals. Businesses use the EIN to report financial information, open business bank accounts, hire employees, and fulfill other tax-related obligations with the IRS. It serves as a way to identify a business entity and is crucial for its legal and financial operations.

Let us handle your EIN application hassle-free! This service provides expert A-Z coverage to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS for your business. Avoid complex paperwork and potential errors – this service ensures a smooth application process, allowing you to focus on what matters most: running your business. With timely and accurate EIN acquisition, you can open bank accounts, hire employees, and comply with IRS regulations efficiently. Partner with us and get your EIN quickly and effortlessly. Simplify your business setup and start operating with confidence.

This service will be performed by a Dual-Licensed CPA, who is licensed both in the USA and Canada, from our partnered accounting firm*.

DISCLAIMER*: Noah Tactics Inc. does not provide accounting services directly. We act solely as a referral partner, connecting clients with a trusted accounting firm for their accounting needs. Engaging the services of the referred accounting firm creates a direct contractual relationship between the client and the firm. We assume no liability for the services provided by the referred firm and recommend clients to review their terms and conditions. Any issues or disputes related to the accounting services should be addressed directly with the accounting firm.


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