
SKU: BS-005 Category:


  • Get “Patent pending” status for 12 months.

  • Email consultation with a patent practitioner


  • Get “Patent pending” status for 12 months.

  • Professionally drafted patent writing

  • Professionally drafted patent drawings

  • Phone and email consultation with a patent practitioner

All of our plans come with the following benefits:

  1. CONSULTATION WITH A LICENSED PATENT PRACTITIONER: You can ask legal questions and receive advice about patent applications from a licensed patent practitioner.

  2. 12 MONTHS “PATENT PENDING” STATUS: With a provisional patent application, you can use the phrase “patent pending” for 12 months.

  3. PATENT APPLICATION FILING DATE: The US Patent Office will provide you with a filing date, which determines your place in line.

  4. GOVERNMENT RECEIPT:  You will receive an official receipt from the US Patent Office confirming the acceptance of your provisional patent application.

  5. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE: Our electronic signature system lets you sign patent application documents from your computer or mobile device.

  6. WEEKDAY SUPPORT FROM OUR TEAM: We are available by email, and phone(premium package only), Monday through Friday to answer any questions you may have about the patent process, and our patent practitioners are available to provide legal advice.


  • The Government Filing Fee payable is the sole responsibility of the buyer.

  • Assuming that you are classified as a “micro entity” by the USPTO, the government fee for your patent application will be $60. However, if you have filed more than four non-provisional patent applications in the past or have an annual income exceeding $212,352, you may be classified as a “small entity” or a “large entity,” which would require a government fee of $120 or $300, respectively.

Service Package



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