What is product research?

Amazon product research is the process of identifying profitable products to sell on the Amazon marketplace. This research involves analyzing consumer demand, identifying gaps in the market, and researching the competition. By conducting thorough market research, sellers can make informed decisions about which products to list and how to price them, ultimately increasing their chances of success on the platform. 


Tasks we can assist you with in Amazon product research include::

  • Identifying consumer demand for a particular product or product category
  • Analyzing market gaps and identifying opportunities for new products
  • Researching the competition and understanding their pricing, product listings, and customer reviews
  • Conducting keyword research to identify popular search terms and phrases related to a product
  • Analyzing sales data to understand the sales history and trends of a particular product or product category
  • Analyzing customer feedback to understand the strengths and weaknesses of a product and identify areas for improvement
  • Staying updated with the latest trends, regulations, and changes in the Amazon marketplace
  • Identifying profitable products to sell on the Amazon marketplace
  • Determine the best pricing strategy for a product
  • Understand the profitability and potential of a product
  • Research on regulations and compliances that a product needs to pass before being sold on Amazon
  • Any other special requests in your mind