
  • Initial Fee: $295 to initiate the search process and cover the initial consultation and research. This fee is non-refundable.
  • Success Fee: An additional $195 is charged only upon successful identification and presentation of qualified suppliers that meet your requirements. If the suppliers identified do not meet your expectation, this fee will NOT apply.
SKU: SS-008 Category:

Our sourcing team in China who speak the local language and understand the culture will conduct the supplier research.

  • Supplier Selection: This step involves reaching out to various suppliers to identify the best quality suppliers for your product. The purpose of reaching out to multiple suppliers is to evaluate and compare them based on various factors such as quality, price, lead time, and more.
  • Various Sourcing channels: The different channels used to identify suppliers include internal databases, tradeshows, and manufacturer directories. Internal databases refer to the company’s database of potential suppliers or vendors. Tradeshows are events where different manufacturers and suppliers gather to showcase their products and services. Manufacturer directories are online platforms that provide a list of manufacturers and suppliers for various products.
  • Identify the best quality suppliers for you: After reaching out to various suppliers, the next step is to evaluate them based on various criteria such as the quality of the products, pricing, lead time, MOQ, and more. The aim is to identify the best quality suppliers for your product.
  • Detailed report: Once the best quality suppliers have been identified, a detailed report will be prepared that includes information about the qualified manufacturers we identify for your product, including quotations, MOQ, lead times, and background information. The report will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the potential suppliers, enabling you to make an informed decision on which supplier to choose for your product.

Why Choose Us:

  • Eliminate Language and Cultural Barriers: Our sourcing team in China, fluent in the local language and deeply acquainted with the culture, will conduct the supplier research.
  • Expertise: Our team boasts extensive experience in supplier sourcing across various industries, ensuring that you receive expert guidance and support throughout the process.
  • Personalized Approach: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we tailor our search to align perfectly with your specific needs and preferences.
  • Cost-Effective: By outsourcing your supplier search to us, you not only save valuable time and resources but also gain access to our network of pre-vetted suppliers, potentially saving you even more in the long run.

Take the hassle out of supplier selection and let us find the perfect partners for your business success. Get started today!

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Initial Fee, Success Fee


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